3 ways to to help picky eating child

“My child loves to eat vegetables ‘, “my child eats whatever I feed him”, and “my child is not at all fussy when it’s dinner time”, Do you also dream about saying all this when talking about your child’s eating habits? Then you have to play your part as well and understand how to help picky eating child. 

How to think before helping your picky eating child

Before implementing strict eating rules at your home, make sure that you understand what your child wants, as your child may be different from the ones who want to eat carrots or pasta or rice and bread. There are a lot of studies that date back to the 1990s which show that there could be a lot of different reasons for your child being a fussy or picky eater. It could be linked to a kid’s personality, or it could be the parent’s eating habits, or it simply could be “kid being a kid”. You just need to stay calm and try to stay away from the anxiety of not being able to feed everything to your child. Here are 3 tips on how to help a picky-eating child.

1. Eat together

Give your child the same food as the rest of the family and make sure to eat at the same time. It helps them to develop a sense of unity and can encourage them to eat. 

2. Be patient!

Be patient, do not force them to eat what they don’t like. Instead, try to feed them the same food after some time. You can add a twist by trying to serve them differently. For example, instead of cooked carrots and scrambled eggs, you can serve them star-shaped carrots or flower-shaped boiled eggs.

3. Adapt!

Your child could be a slow eater, make sure not to leave the table and don’t force them to eat in a hurry.

In the end, it is always more important to remember that healthy eating is about happiness too, when children enjoy the food, they tend to eat better, so give them a happy home and enjoy mealtime with them.

Updated 30-03-2023

By Philip Fransson

3 ways to to help picky eating child

“My child loves to eat vegetables ‘, “my child eats whatever I feed him”, and “my child is not at all fussy when it’s dinner time”, Do you also dream about saying all this when talking about your child’s eating habits? Then you have to play your part as well and understand how to help picky eating child. 

How to think before helping your picky eating child

Before implementing strict eating rules at your home, make sure that you understand what your child wants, as your child may be different from the ones who want to eat carrots or pasta or rice and bread. There are a lot of studies that date back to the 1990s which show that there could be a lot of different reasons for your child being a fussy or picky eater. It could be linked to a kid’s personality, or it could be the parent’s eating habits, or it simply could be “kid being a kid”. You just need to stay calm and try to stay away from the anxiety of not being able to feed everything to your child. Here are 3 tips on how to help a picky-eating child.

1. Eat together

Give your child the same food as the rest of the family and make sure to eat at the same time. It helps them to develop a sense of unity and can encourage them to eat. 

2. Be patient!

Be patient, do not force them to eat what they don’t like. Instead, try to feed them the same food after some time. You can add a twist by trying to serve them differently. For example, instead of cooked carrots and scrambled eggs, you can serve them star-shaped carrots or flower-shaped boiled eggs.

3. Adapt!

Your child could be a slow eater, make sure not to leave the table and don’t force them to eat in a hurry.

In the end, it is always more important to remember that healthy eating is about happiness too, when children enjoy the food, they tend to eat better, so give them a happy home and enjoy mealtime with them.

Updated 30-03-2023

By Philip Fransson